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Reference interest rates

3M Euribor 3.49 RIR-UBB (BC) 0.200
RIR-UBB EURO (Ind) 0.000 RIR-UBB BGN (Ind) 0.200
last update: 02.09.2024


  • Using the leased asset without any risk for the Lessee with respect to the residual value of the asset at the end of the contract;
  • The monthly lease instalments are recognized as accounting expenditures of the Lessee;
  • Flexibility with respect to the amount of the monthly lease instalments, according to client’s individual requirements.


  • Lease financing type: operating lease excluding expenses with a higher initial and equal subsequent lease instalments;
  • Lessees: legal entities and sole traders;
  • Assets to be financed: available new passenger cars from the official representations of the respective brand;
  • Lease period from 2 to 5 years;
  • Amount of the first lase installment: from 15% of the value of the leased property, including VAT;
  • Subsequent lease installments: annuity, only including the right of use of the leased property;
  • VAT is charged and is payable on the amount of all monthly lease instalments;
  • Currency of the monthly lease instalments: ЕUR;
  • Lease installments currency – in EUR or BGN.

Necessary documents

  • Lease financing application;
  • Balance sheet, income statement and tax return of the Lessee for the past 2 years;
  • Summary presentation of company’s business.
  • A copy of the quote by the supplier of the leased asset, subject matter of the lease transaction;
  • Copies of the ID cards of the authorized representatives of the Lessee company and the co-lessees.

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